Institutional Partners
A nonpartisan and intellectually diverse network of institutions leading on abundance through policy or practice.

The Breakthrough Institute
The Breakthrough Institute envisions a future where all the world's inhabitants can enjoy secure, free, prosperous, and fulfilling lives on an ecologically vibrant planet. BTI strives to make its work audacious, pragmatic, and politically unclassifiable.
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ClearPath's mission is to accelerate American innovation to reduce global energy emissions. To advance that mission, it develops cutting-edge policy solutions on clean energy and industrial innovation, collaborating with public and private sector stakeholders on innovations in nuclear energy, carbon capture, hydropower, natural gas, geothermal, energy storage, and heavy industry to enable private-sector deployment of critical technologies.
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Economic Innovation Group
Economic Innovation Group's (EIG's) mission is to advance solutions that empower entrepreneurs and investors to forge a more dynamic economy throughout America. EIG has been a national leader in bringing geographic inequality into the national conversation, analyzing the decline in economic dynamism, and developing ideas that strengthen the foundations of our economy.
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Employ America
Employ America seeks to promote macroeconomic policies that ensure the sustained advancement of labor market outcomes for all American workers.
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Federation of American Scientists
The Federation of American Scientists (FAS) works to advance progress on a broad suite of contemporary issues where science, technology, and innovation policy can deliver dramatic progress, and seeks to ensure that scientific and technical expertise have a seat at the policymaking table. Established in 1945 by scientists in response to the atomic bomb, FAS continues to work on behalf of a safer, more equitable, and more peaceful world.
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Foundation for American Innovation
The mission of the innovators and policy entrepreneurs who make up the Foundation for American Innovation is to advance a more perfect union between technology and the American republic.
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Institute for Progress
The Institute for Progress (IFP) is a non-partisan think tank focused on innovation policy. IFP seeks to accelerate and shape the direction of scientific, technological, and industrial progress. Headquartered in Washington D.C., it works with policymakers across the political spectrum to make it easier to build the future in the United States.
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Metropolitan Abundance Project
The Metropolitan Abundance Project is a new policy center that will arm the urban wing of the abundance movement with the tools necessary to create the prosperous, vibrant, small-d democratic cities of the future.
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Niskanen Center
The Niskanen Center works to promote an open society: a social order that is open to political, cultural, and social change; open to free inquiry; open to individual autonomy; open to the poor and marginalized; open to commerce and trade; open to people who may wish to come or go; open to different beliefs and cultures; open to the search for truth; and a government that protects these freedoms while advancing the cause of open societies around the world.
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Open New York
Open New York is a grassroots group advocating for abundant homes and lower rent. They recognize that the current zoning laws in New York and its suburbs have caused a profound housing shortage, raising rents to historic highs and leading to the continuous displacement of long-standing communities.
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Partnership for Public Service
The Partnership for Public Service seeks a dynamic and innovative federal government that effectively serves our diverse nation. Its work bolsters federal talent, public service leadership, and society’s commitment to government.
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R Street Institute
The R Street Institute (RSI) is a leading think tank focused on solving complex public policy challenges through free markets and limited, effective government.
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Third Way
Third Way is a national think tank that champions modern center-left ideas. Its work is grounded in the mainstream American values of opportunity, freedom, and security.
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Up For Growth
Up for Growth is a national, cross-sector member network committed to solving the housing shortage and affordability crisis through data-driven research and evidence-based policy.
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The Volcker Alliance
The Volcker Alliance seeks to support the public sector workforce by strengthening public service education, championing public service values, and providing strategies to help public servants deliver better results.
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Welcoming Neighbors Network
The Welcoming Neighbors Network (WNN) is a confederation of independent, place-based organizations advancing pro-housing policies through strategic, alliance-building campaigns. WNN believes that healthy housing markets offer an abundance of homes of all shapes and sizes, for people from all walks of life.
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