Robert Shea
- CEO, GovNavigators

“Civil service reforms should be all about policy and not partisan politics, about accountability to the rule of law...not someone’s personal agenda”

Robert Shea is Chief Executive Officer of GovNavigators. Before launching GovNavigators, Robert was National Managing Principal, Public Policy, at Grant Thornton. Robert has a more than 25 year history of working to improve government performance. He recently served on the Commission for Evidence-based Policymaking. Robert served as associate director for the U.S. Office of Management and Budget, as senior management counsel for the Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs, and, before that, as legislative director for Congressman Pete Sessions. He also served on the staff of House Committee on Government Reform. He has a J.D. from South Texas College of Law and a B.A. from Connecticut College. He recently joined the faculty of the University of Pennsylvania’s Penn Biden Center.